Blimey, I have finally launched a brand new project — Float Left, a teeny tiny web design studio.
I’d love it if you felt like heading over and taking a look and I have written a little bit of an introduction to the site and what I hope to achieve.
You are viewing an old version of this site, which is archived but no longer updated. There is a good chance that things will look broken, but at least the content should be here just in case anybody cares.
This is just a collection of static HTML files exported from Wordpress and kept here for posterity. Why not head on over to for something a little more up to date?
Blimey, I have finally launched a brand new project — Float Left, a teeny tiny web design studio.
I’d love it if you felt like heading over and taking a look and I have written a little bit of an introduction to the site and what I hope to achieve.