The iPhone 3.0 software was released today, and one thing seemingly missing was tethering – at least for free. The following is a brief tutorial to enable Tethering without adding the monthly plan. Happy days indeed. Note that this only works on a Mac (sorry Windows users).
Obligatory disclaimer: This is most probably against your service agreement. Don’t blame me if you get told off by O2!
So, on with the show:
- Update iTunes to version 8.2 if you don’t have it already.
- Open and enter the following:
defaults write carrier-testing -bool TRUE
- Download the file ‘o2_uk.ipcc’ from here.
- Plug your iPhone in and allow it to sync.
- Once the sync is complete, hold down the option (alt) key and click ‘Restore’ in iTunes. A dialogue box will pop up – browse to the o2_uk.ipcc file which was downloaded in step 3.
- iTunes will now update your carrier settings.
- Now with the iPhone still connected to your Mac by USB browse to Settings, General, Network, Internet Tethering and switch it on.
- That’s it! You will need to wait a minute whilst the connection is established, and a dialogue will appear on your Mac telling you that a new network interface has been detected. Click ‘Network Preferences’ and wait until the new connection shows that it is online.
Now when you want to initiate a tethering session, you just need to plug your iPhone in via USB, and turn tethering on in Settings, General, Network, Internet Tethering.
Note that if you are not on O2-UK, you will need a different .ipsw file. There is an AT&T file available here, and I understand that a number of other carriers are supported if you Google for the correct .ipsw file, but I have not tried them out, so I’d recommend a bit of research before going ahead with it.
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