A little bit about what I read

So I thought that a good way to give an idea of what I’m into would be to give a few sites that I like. Here comes the inevitable list…

  • The obvious first choice is the ubiquitous Daring Fireball.
  • Followed closely by kottke.org
  • I have grown pretty fond of Freakonomics over at the NY Times since reading the book by Steven Levitt and Stephen J Dubner of the same name.
  • Ironic Sans is a blog written by photographer David Friedman. It tends to feature some great innvoative ideas.
  • al3x.net is the personal blog of Twitter API lead Alex Payne – less frequently updated than some, but always interesting and well written.
  • Passive-agressive notes is as it sounds – a collection of passive-agressive notes submitted by readers. Often funny, occasionally uncomfotable when you find yourself agreeing with the note-writer.
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